
Meet Our Technology Team, Omnia

See what it’s really like to work at FireStart from a developer’s point of view, and discover more about the people that build the platform.

While FireStart Cloud is no-code, behind the easy-to-use platform are teams of people that code, create, and problem-solve to make FireStart a success. Our developers are motivated to improve the lives of our customers, so anyone can streamline their workflows in a few clicks or easily delegate daily tasks.

At FireStart we have an amazing technology team that really understands what perform as one means to our customers. They’re always coming up with new and creative solutions to common problems and thinking outside the box when it comes to what we can deliver to potential customers.

Omnia is the next technology team that works to deliver a simple platform to our customers. They’re collaborative, creative, and never give up on a difficult problem. Get to know more about them in this Q&A!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Aaron: I really enjoy collaborating with my teammates and facing challenges together, it’s conceptual or technical.

David: I would say that I enjoy solving unique problems the most.

Philipp: I enjoy learning new skills and expanding my horizon every day.

Marco: What matters to me is collaboratively working on and delivering impactful solutions. It’s nice when what you’ve worked on is well received by our customers and stakeholders.

Andreas: I love working in a tight-knit team full of smart and motivated people.

How do you start your typical workday?

Aaron: I like to use my time in the morning to research. It lets me start the day focused and ready.

David: I grab a Club Mate first and then look at the state of the sprint.

Philipp: I go over the priorities for the day while eating a fresh Zuckerkipferl!

Marco: I always grab a cup of coffee (or two) first. After that caffeine kicks in I check the current sprint progress and my calendar. I like to use the morning hours mostly for learning time before all my coworkers are in the office.

Andreas: I wash my hands as soon as I get to the office (better to be safe in these times!). Then I write a message into our Teams channel highlighting what I worked on yesterday and what my focus will be for today.

What is the first thing you do when you face a new challenge?

Aaron: I either go straight into hacking together a prototype to discover architectural and conceptual issues, or I work together with my team to solve the challenge on a whiteboard.

David: Before jumping into a challenge I like to think it through, either alone or with a teammate.

Philipp: I grab a notepad or a whiteboard for some brainstorming!

Marco: It really depends. When it comes to coding, I like to write down all known issues on sticky notes and then tackle them one by one.

Andreas: I like to sketch out the issues on a piece of paper or a whiteboard either by myself or with a colleague.

What is unique about being a software developer at FireStart?

Aaron: I think FireStart is different because it puts long-term improvements before short-term achievements.

David: I would say that it is the work environment and the team.

Philipp: I appreciate the mix of the smart and interesting people I get to work with and the focus on continuously improving, both as a team and personally.

Marco: The people and the workplace make FireStart unique. The opportunity to work with a young and highly motivated team that is super passionate about the product makes all the difference. The environment is extremely supportive and that helps push us further.

Andreas: The autonomy. As a team, we can change our processes as we see fit, instead of how we work being mandated by the higher-ups.

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